Campus Automation

Main Features

Main Feature of Manage Your University is that it maintains every data Session wise. Other features are explained module wise as follows:

    Employee (Staff) Registration

    1. Employee Registration:

  • Employee Role
  • Institute Departments
  • Add/Modify Employee
  • Import Employee via CSV
  • Ordering Employee List as per Hierarchy
  • Send Login Details on Registered Email
  • Lock & Unlock Access
  • Update Default Stream
  • Export Employee(s) List
  • Reset Password
  • Update Alternate Email ID for OTP
  • Search Employee using filter (Name, Branch, etc)
  • 2. Employee Access Management:

  • Department-wise Module-wise Access to Employees
  • 3. Institute Settings:

  • Add / Modify Institute Name, Logo, Vision Mission, etc
  • Department-wise add/modify the logo, Stream Code, Academic Year, etc
cctv exam
Lock/Unlock Access

    4. Lock/Unlock Access:

  • Lock course outcome
  • Lock course outcome mapping
  • Compulsory Selection - Course Outcome and
  • Bloom's Level (Assignment/ Internal Test)
  • Compulsory Selection - Performance Indicator (Assignment/ Internal Test)
  • Compulsory Selection - Syllabus Selection (Assignment / Internal Test)
  • Allow Instructor To Grant Late Submission of Assignment
  • Allow Instructor To Upload The Assignment On Behalf of Student
  • Allow Instructor To Reset Assignment
  • Allow Instructor To Reset Assignment After Grading
  • Allow Multiple Threshold For Outcome Attainment

Admission | Submodule And Its

    1. Registered Students

  • Register New Student
  • Bulk student registration using CSV
  • Customize Registration Form
  • Updateindividual studentdetails
  • Bulk update student details
  • Customize studentlistcolumns
  • Search student- (Basic + Advanced Filters)
  • Exportstudent data
Registered Students
Groups / Semesters

    2. Groups/ Semesters

  • Add Group/Semester
  • Year/ Parent Group
  • Add students of the group / semester
  • View students of the group / semester
  • Update group/semester students details using CSVimport
  • Add Subgroup/ Practical Batches
  • View Subgroup/Practical Batches
  • Add Students of the subgroup/ practical batches
  • View students of the Subgroup / practical batches
  • Update Subgroup / Practical Batches students details using CSVimport
  • Send Student Login Details, Download Student Password
  • Send Parents Login Details & Download Parent Password
  • Link Subgroupto Group
  • Active-Inactive Group
  • Unlink Subgroup from Group

    3. Year-Wise Intake

  • Add/Modify Year-wise Intake
  • Add/Modify Category-wise Intake
  • 4. Enquiry/Admission Form

  • Add / Modify Enquiry form
  • Form Category - Add/ Modify
  • FormFields
  • View Form Responses
  • Form Response - Register as student
  • Form Response - Check Registration Status
  • Form Response - Send Email
  • Form Response - Update Status
  • Form Response - Update Transaction
  • Form Response - Update Amount
  • Form Response - Fee Remittance
  • Form Response -Add Response
  • Form Response - Customize Receipt
  • Form Response - Print and Modify Status
  • Form Response - Document Verification
  • Form Response - Email Communication
  • Transaction Logs
Year-Wise Intake

    5. Profile

  • Add Template
  • Template Fields
  • Assignees
  • View Semester wise student profile
  • Assign profile template
  • Unassign profile template
  • Export Student Profiles
  • ViewApproval History

    6. Applications

  • AddApplication Form
  • View Form
  • Form Category
  • Form Fields
  • Application preview
  • Mark asActive
  • Mark as Inactive
  • Assign Form to Students
  • Filter
Year-Wise Intake Admission

    7. Year-Wise Intake

  • Settings - Admission Type, Admission Batch, Admission
  • Status, Category, Payment Category, Religion, Series, Student Type
  • Admission Type - e.g. CAP, Institutional Level, Against CAP
  • Admission Batch- e.g. 2020-21,2021-22,2022-23
  • Admission Status - e.g. Confirmed, Provisional, Cancelled
  • Category
  • Payment Category
  • Religion
  • Series
  • Student Type

    8. Reports

  • Admission Reports
  • Admission List Report
  • Category-wise admissionreport
  • Admission Type Wise Admission Report
  • Gender-wise Admission Report
  • Admission Group Details Report
  • Locked/ Unlocked Student Report
  • Department Semester-Wise Students Count Report
  • Average Enrollment Percentage Report
  • Average Percentage of Seats filled against Seats Reserved for
  • Various Categories Report
  • Year-wise Student Count Report

Course Management (Academic Planning)

    1. Course Management

  • Add Theory (Regular) Subject/ Course
  • Add Practical Subject/ Course
  • Add Theory (Elective) Subject/ Course
  • Assign Faculty to Theory (Regular/ Elective ) Subject/ Course
  • Assign Faculty to Practical (Regular/ Elective) Subject/Course
  • Add Students to Theory Elective Course / Subject
  • Add Students to Theory Elective Course/ Subject
  • View Students of Theory Elective Course/ Subject
  • Remove Theory Subject/ Course from Group/Semester
  • Add Batch for Elective Practical Course / Subject
  • Add Students to Elective Practical Course/ Subject Batch
  • Get Subjects / Courses from Previous Academic Year
  • Add / Remove Experiential Learning Tag to Theory (Regular /Elective ) Course / Subject
  • Add / Remove Experiential Learning Tag to Practical (Regular /Elective ) Course / Subject

    2. Reports

  • Report
  • Average Percentage of Courses that include Experiential
  • Learning through Project work / Field work / Internship Report
  • Percentage of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit
  • System(CBCS) / Elective Course System Implemented
Reports 2

Syllabus Management (Academic Planning) |Submodule And Its Features

    1. Syllabus Management

  • Add Topic
  • Import Syllabus
  • Assign Instructor to topic
  • Syllabus Sorting & Subtopic Addition
  • View Course Outcome & Learning Outcome
Syllabus Management

Metable Management (Academic Planning) | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Manage Sessions

  • Add Subject-wise Session/ Tutorial / Revision
  • View Course Course-wise Sessions
  • Semester Session Calender View (Month / Week/Day)

    2. Session Rules

  • RestrictAdd SessionAccess
  • RestrictAdd tutorial access
  • RestrictAdd revision session access
  • Block all add/edit access of all types of sessions
  • Block session update access
  • Block attendance to learner
  • Restrict Access after'Mark As Complete’
  • Restrict session overlapping access
  • Restrict multiple faculties to edit session
  • Add / Modify Teaching Methodology
  • 3. Session Requests

  • View /Approve Session Modification Requests
Session Rules

    4. Course Dashboard - Units

  • Add Topic
  • Add Subtopic
  • Import Syllabus
  • Get Syllabus from Other Course
  • Linked Syllabus from Other Course
  • Export/ Delete Syllabus
  • View Linked Sessions
  • Syllabus Sorting
Course Dashboard - Units

    5. Course Dashboard - Course Outcome

  • Add / Modify Course Outcome
  • Add/Edit Course Outcome Revision
  • Get Course Outcomes from Other Course
  • View Course Outcome Linking with Syllabus, Exam etc
  • Print (Select/ Deselect Columns)
  • Add /Modify CO PO Mapping
  • lmport CO PO Mapping
  • Generate CO PO Correlation Matrix
  • Publish/Unpublish CO PO Mapping
  • Add / Modify CO PO Mapping Justification
  • Print CO PO Report with Justification
  • Print CO PO Mapping without Justification
  • Printonly justification report
Course Dashboard - Course Outcome

    6. Course Dashboard - Learning Outcome
  • Add / Modify Learning/ Unit/ Practical Outcome
  • Import Learning/ Unit / Practical Outcome
  • Get Learning/ Unit/ Practical Outcome from other course
  • 7. Course Dashboard - Students
  • View Students List of respective Course
  • 8. Course Dashboard - Attendance Reports
  • Attendance Summary (Filters for defaulter list)
  • Attendance Report (A/P)
  • Attendance Report (0/1)
Course Dashboard - Learning Outcome

    9. Course Dashboard - Session List

  • Add Session
  • Add Tutorial
  • AddRevision
  • Add Weekly Timetable
  • View Inactive Sessions
  • Cancel/Uncancel Session
  • Transfer Session
  • Virtual Classroom Linking (Google Meet)
  • Virtual Classroom Linking (Zoom)
  • UpdateAttendance in Bulk
  • Modify Session
  • Update Session Attendance
  • View Parents Absentee SMS
  • Session Report - Proposed Planning
  • Session Report - Completion Report
  • Session Report - Tutorial Proposed Report
  • Session Report - Tutorial Completion Report
  • Session Report - Revision Session Proposed Report
  • Session Report - Revision Session Completion Report
  • Session Report - All Sessions Session Report - Syllabus Completion Report
  • Session Report - Session / Tutorial / Revision Proposed Planning
  • Session Report - Session / Tutoria / Revision Completion Planning
Course Dashboard - Session List

    10. Course Dashboard - Intellectual Skills
  • Add/ Modify Intellectual Skills
  • Get lntellectual Skills from other Course
  • 11. Course Dashboard - Intellectual Skills
  • Add/ Modify Motor Skills
  • Get Motor Skills from other Course
  • 12. Course Dashboard - Course Objective
  • Add/ Modify Course Objective
  • 13. Course Dashboard - Learning Objective
  • Add/Modify Learning Objective
Course Dashboard - Intellectual Skills

Outcome | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

  • View PO & PSO, PEO and Print
  • 2. Program Outcame

  • Add/Modify Program Outcome
  • 3. Program Specific Outcome

  • Add/Modify Program Specific Outcome
  • 4. Competency Level

  • Add/Modify Competency Level
  • 5. Performance Indicator

  • Add/Modify Performance Indicator
  • 6. Program Educational Objectives

  • Add/ Modify Program Educational Objectives
  • 7. Outcome Settings

  • Attainment Range
  • DesiredAttainment Range
  • Exam Weightage
Submodule And Its Features

Exam | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Details Page

    2. Exam List

  • View Examinations as per Academic Year and Department
  • Create Exam
  • Copy Exam
  • Delete Exam
Exam Submodule And Its Features

    3. Exam - Questions

  • Question List
  • Single Correct Questions
  • Multiple Correct Question
  • True/ False Question
  • One Word Question
  • Import Questions
  • Question Bank
  • Action - Update Question Marks
  • Action - Update Course Outcome
  • Action - Update Bloom's Level
  • Action - Update Performance Indicator
  • Action - Update Question Set
  • Action - Update Access For
  • Action - Update Question Shuffle Answer
  • Action - Delete Questions
  • Preview Question Paper
  • View of Customized Question Paper
  • Export Question Paper
  • Print Question Paper
Exam - Questions

    4. Exam - Assign Exam

  • Assign Set
  • Remove Set
  • Reset Performance
  • Reevaluate Performance

    5. Exam - Result Analysis

  • Print Result with Analysis
  • View Individual Student Performance
  • View Question-wise Analysis

    6. Exam - Assignments

  • Differential Assignments based on Student Performance
  • 7. Exam - Edit Details

  • Update

Assignment | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Subject List

  • List of Subjects Assigned for Respective Academic Year
  • 2. Assignment (Internal Test) Dashboard

  • UpdateAssignment
  • Delete Assignment
  • Copy Assignment
  • AddAssignment
Assignment | Submodule And Its Features

    3. Module List

  • Add Practical Module
  • Copy Exam
  • Copy Exam Question

    4. Generate Question Paper

  • AddMenuInstructions
  • Section
  • Subsection
  • Single Choice Question
  • Multiple Choice Question
  • True or False Question
  • OneWord Question
  • Descriptive Question
  • Add from Question Bank
  • Action - Download Question Paper (Grid View)
  • Action - View and Download Question Paper (List View)
  • Action - View and Download Question Paper with Customized Column (Grid View)
  • Action - View Quality of Question Paper Report
Generate Question Paper

    5. Questionwise Analysis

  • Add Question Wise Marks
  • Import Marks Using CSV
  • Publish Outcome
  • Action - View Detailed Attainment Report
  • Action - View ShortAttainment Report

    6. Students Performance

  • Update Student Score
  • Action - Print
  • Action - Import/ Export

    7. Exam Monitoring

  • Add/Modify Template
  • Add Modules Under Template
  • Assign Template to Subjects / Courses View/Delete Subjects /Courses Assignto Template 1

Online Feedback | Submodule And Its Features

    1. My Feedback

  • List of Assigned Feedback
  • Submit Feedback

    2. Feedback About Me

  • List of Feedbacks about me
  • Anonymous analysis of Responses:

    3. Category

  • Add / Modify Feedback Category
  • View Questions of Category

    4. Questions

  • Add Question
  • Import Question
  • Search Question
  • Modify Question
  • Copy Question
  • Delete Question

    5. Student Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Assign the Feedback
  • View FeedbackAnalysis
  • View Public Link
  • Block Feedback Access
  • Change Feedback Validity
  • Update Feedback Target Value
  • Calculate Feedback Performance
  • Send PDF Reporton Registered Email
  • Download Reportin Excel
  • Delete Multiple Feedback
  • Reports - Course Feedback Report
  • Reports - Instructor Feedback Report
  • Import Feedback Response
  • Combined FeedbackAnalysis (Total Responses)
  • Combined FeedbackAnalysis (Feedback-wise Analysis)
Student Feedback

    6. Teaching Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • View Feedback Outcome /Analysis
  • Assign Attendees
  • Combined Report
  • Open Feedback Access of multiple feedback
  • Block Feedback Access
  • Calculate Feedback Performance
  • Delete Multiple Feedback
  • View Publick Link
  • Change Feedback Validity of multiple feedback
Teaching Feedback

    7. Non-Teaching Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • View Feedback Outcome /Analysis
  • AssignAttendees
  • Combined Report
  • Open FeedbackAccess of Multiple Feedback
  • Block Feedback Access
  • Change Feedback Validity
  • Multiple Feedback
  • View Public Link
  • Calculate Feedback Performance Delete Feedback of
Non-Teaching Feedback

    8. Alumni Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • View Feedback Outcome /Analysis
  • AssignAttendees
  • Combined Report
  • Open FeedbackAccess of Multiple Feedback
  • Block Feedback Access
  • Change Feedback Validity
  • Delete Multiple Feedback
Alumni Feedback

    9. Parent Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open FeedbackAccess

    10. Employer Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • Assign Attendees
  • Combined Report
  • View PublicLink
  • Block Feedback Access
  • Change Feedback Validity
  • Send Email To Pending Attendees
  • Delete Feedback for Multiple Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access for Multiple Feedback
  • Viewthe Feedback Outcome/Analysis

    11. External Feedback

  • Add Feedback
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • Public Link
  • Feedback Link
  • View the Feeback Outcome /Analysis

    12. Online Feedback Details

  • Feedback Report List
  • Pending Student List
  • Print Result
  • Academic year wise/ Semester wise List

Lms | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Created Courses

  • Create Course
  • Filter Course

    2. Created Courses - Course Content

  • Add Content Type - Audio
  • Add Content Type - Video
  • Add Content Type - File
  • Add Content Type - URL
  • Add Content Type - Test
  • Send Content for Approval
Created Courses - Course Content

    3. Created Courses - Course Preview

  • Preview Course
  • 4. Created Courses -Learners

  • Self Enrolled Institute Learners
  • Self Enrolled Global Learners
  • Assign Institute Student Learners
  • Assign Institute Instructor Learners
Created Courses - Course Preview

    5. Created Courses -Course Collaboration

  • Send and View the Course Collaboration Request

    6. Created Courses -Link Lms Unittoacademic Syllabus

  • Link / Unlink LMS Unit to Academic Syllabus

    7. Created Courses -Q&A

  • View Ratings and Comments of the Course
  • Edit Feedback
  • Delete Feedback
  • Open Feedback Access
  • Public Link
  • Feedback Link
  • View the Feeback Outcome /Analysis

    8. My Learning

  • Enroll to New Course
  • View Course Completion Progress
  • Filter Courses

    9. Employee's Learnings

  • Assign Course to Employee
  • Assign Collaborators
  • View Detailed Course
  • Employee Performance Analysis - Filters
  • Employee Performance Analysis - Assign Instructor
  • Employee Performance Analysis - Send Reminder
  • vmedulife product training - View Learner's Assessment - First Attempt, Second Attempt, Third Attempt

    10. Course Unit Approval

  • Pending for Approval Units
  • Approval Units
  • Requestfor Change Units

    11. Manage Approver

  • Assign LMS Approver
Employee's Learnings

    12. Reports

  • Individual Instructor Course Report
  • Public/Global Courses List Report
  • Collaboration Institute Report
  • Student Learning List Report
  • lnstructor Learning Count Report
  • lnstructor Learning List Report
  • Course-wise Discussion Q &A Count Report
  • Class wise Student Course Completion Report
  • Course-wise Discussion Q &A List Report
  • Individual Course Discussion Q &A List Report
  • Number of Add-on/ Certificate Programs Offered Report
  • Academicyear-wise / date-wise Course Count Report
  • Courses In Collaboration (Created by Institute Faculty) Report
  • Courses In Collaboration (Created by Other Institute Faculty) Report

    13. Dashboard

  • View Public Courses with QR Code

    14. Created Courses - Configuration

  • Course Configuration

    15. Institute Collaboration

  • Sender Requests - Pending for Approval
  • SenderRequests - Approved
  • SenderRequests - Declined
  • Receiver Requests - Pending for Approval
  • Receiver Requests - Approved
  • Receiver Requests - Declined 1

Iqac Reports | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard And Access
    2. Outcome Reports
  • Course Outcome
  • Desired CO PO Mapping
  • Course - PO Matrix
  • Direct Attainment Report
  • Report
  • Combined Direct Indirect Outcome Report
  • Batchwise Outcome Report
  • Direct Attainment Report Instructor Wise Indirect Attainment
    3. Academic Planning Report
  • Faculty Wise Academic Planning Report
  • Attendance Report
  • Daily Academic Planning Report
    4. Result Analysis Report
  • Faculty Wise Result Analysis Report
  • Semester Wise Result Analysis Report
  • Consolidated Result Analysis Group Wise Report
    5. Online Exam Report
  • Faculty-wise Online Exam Report
  • Semester-Wise Online Exam Report
  • Consolidated Online Exam Group Wise Report

    6. Assignment (Internal Test) Report

  • Faculty wise Assignment (Internal Test) Completion Report
  • Student's Assignment (Internal Test) Completion Report
  • Consolidated Assignment (Internal Test) Completion Report
Assignment (Internal Test) Report

    7. Lms Report

  • Student Learning List Report
  • Instructor Learning Count Report
  • Instructor Learning List Report
  • Course-wise Discussion Q & A Count Report
  • Collaboration Institute Report
  • lndividual Instructor Course Report
  • Public/Global Courses List Report
  • Courses In Collaboration (Created by Institute Faculty) Report
  • Courses In Collaboration (Created by Other Institute Faculty) Report
  • Academic year-wise / date-wise Course Count Report
  • Class-wise Student Course Completion Report
  • Course-wise Discussion Q & A List Report
  • Individual Course Discussion Q & A List Report
Lms Report

    8. Leave Report

  • Leave Policy Report
  • Employees Leave Count Report
  • Individual Employee Leave Summary
  • Monthly Leave Summary
  • Monthly Attendance Summary
  • Daily Attendance Summary
  • Regularization Summary
Leave Report

    9. Inventory Report

  • Group Assets Report
  • Assets Report
  • Individual Asset Report
  • Stock Report
  • Maintenance Report
  • Purchase Request Report
  • General Purchase Report
  • Category Report
  • Location Report
  • Department Report
  • Daily Consumption Report
  • Breakage and Wastage Report
Inventory Report

    10. Committee & Meetings Report

  • Committee List & Created On Report
  • Meeting List Report
  • MOM Uploaded Report
  • Not Uploaded MOM Report
  • Committee Members Report
  • Individual Meeting Summary Report
  • Individual Committee Summary Report
  • Employee Wise Committee Count Report
  • Individual Employee Committee Role & Responsibility Report
  • lndividual Employee Wise Meeting Attendance Report
  • Individual Committee Meeting List Report
  • Committee and Number of Meetings Report
  • Number of Type of Meetings Conducted / Completed Report
Committee & Meetings Report

    11. Library Report

  • Issued Resource Report
  • Returned Resource Report
  • Listof Missing Resources Report
  • Listof Discarded Resources Report.
  • Listof Donated Resources Report.
  • Instructor With Most Issued Report
  • Learner With MostIssued Report
  • Yearly Purchase Titles With Cost Report
  • User-wise Issued Return Resources Report
  • Resource List As PerAccession Series Report
  • Books Currently Available In Library Report
  • Book Currently NotAvailable In Library Report
  • Category wise Yearly Purchase With Cost Report
    12. Faculty Profile Report
  • Faculty Profile

    13. Custom Reports
    14. Naac Ssr (Affiliated/Constituent Ug & Pg Colleges)
Library Report

Library | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

  • OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue Resources | e-Resources | Periodicals | My Latest Issued Resources | Library Rules | Resource Requisition
Library Submodule And Its Features

    2. Resources

  • Add Resource Copies
  • View Resource Details
  • Import Resources
  • Modify Resources
  • Search Resources
  • Resources Mark as Donated
  • Bulk Update - Delete Resources
  • Add / Modify Accession Series Add Resource
  • Bulk Update - Location | Category | Type | Invoice Number Bulk Update - Resource Status (Discarded, Missing, Available, Maintenance (Binding)) | Resource Language

    3. Issue / Return Resource

  • Issue Resource (Student, Faculty)
  • Return Resource (Student, Faculty)
  • Import Issue/Return Resource
  • Send Reminder Email Reminder Email Templates

    4. Periodicals

  • Add / Modify Periodical / journal
  • Periodical Category
  • Import Periodicals
  • Print and Export Periodicals
  • View Daily Logs
  • Update Daily Logs

    5. E-Resources

    6. Rules
  • View General Rules
  • Add / Modify General Rules
  • Students - Library Policies Teaching - Library Policies
  • Non Teaching - Policies
    7. Library Entry
  • Add/ Modify Entries
  • Library Sections (Library, Reading Room, Newspaper etc)
  • Import Entries
    8. Publisher
  • Add / Modify Publisher
  • Importand Export Publisher
    9. Donor's List
  • Add / Modify Donors
    10. Print Barcode
  • Add / Modify Barcode Template
  • Default Template (14 perA4 sheet)
  • Default Template (16 perA4 sheet)
  • Default Template (24 perA4 sheet)
  • Default Template (33 perA4 sheet)
  • Default Template (65 perA4 sheet)
  • lnstitute Template Barcode Print
    11. Resource Category
  • Add / Modify Resource Category
  • Add /Modify Resource Sub - Category
  • Category QR Code
  • Resource Location
  • Add / Modify Location
  • Add / Modify Sub- Location
  • 013. Resource Requisition
  • Approve/ Decline Resource Requisition
  • Requisition Link with PR
    12. Purchase Request (Pr)
  • Create PR
  • View PR Details
  • Share Requirements with vendor
  • Add Quotation
  • Compare Quotation

    13. Reports

  • Fine Report
  • Issued Resource Report
  • Returned Resource Report
  • Yearly Purchase Titles With Cost
  • Category wise Yearly Purchase With Cost
  • List of Missing Resources
  • List of Discarded Resources
  • List of Donated Resources
  • User-wise Issued Return Resources
  • Instructor With Most Issued
  • Learner With Most Issued
  • Currently Books Available In Library
  • Books Currently NotAvailable In Library
  • Category-wise Book Usage
  • Requisition History
  • Donor List
  • Resource Title
  • Specimen Copy
  • Category Wise Title Wise Report
  • Resource Type Wise Title Report
  • Yearly Purchase of Periodicals/Journals Report
  • Pending Resources (Issued butnotyetreturned).
  • Library utilization Statistical Report
  • Daywise library entries report
  • Series Wise Title Report
  • Department WiseTitle Report
  • Resource ListAs PerAccession Number Report

    14. Session Requests

  • Add Stock Verification 1
Session Requests

Inventory | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • View Inventory Summary
  • My indents
  • Job Card
    2. Assets
  • Filter Asset
  • Export Asset
  • View Asset Movement
    3. Indents
  • Add Indent
  • Export Indent
  • Link with PR
  • Filter Indents
  • lssue Indent
  • Assign Indent Approver
  • Return Indent
    4. Stock
  • Add Stock
  • lmport Stock
  • Export Stock
  • Update Store / Department
    5. General Purchase
  • Add General Purchase
  • Modify General Purchase
  • Change Status-Active / Inactive
  • Filter General Purchase
    6. Settings -Asset Catalogue
  • Add Asset
  • Import Asset
  • Filter Asset Approve / Decline Asset Request
  • Filter Asset Request
    7. Settings - Category
  • Add Category
  • Import Category
  • Export Category
  • Add Sub-category
    8. Settings -Location
  • Add Location
  • Add Sub-location
  • Import Location
  • Export Location
    9. Settings - Department/Store
  • Add Store
  • Import Store/ Department
  • Mark Departmentas Central Store
    10. Purchase Request
  • Create PR
  • View PR Details
  • Share Requirements with the vendor
  • Add Quotation
  • Compare Quotation
    11. Daily Consumption
  • Approve / Decline Daily Consumption Request
  • Filter Daily Consumption Request
    12. Maintenance
  • Add Maintenance
  • Filter Maintenance
  • Export Maintenance
    13. Breakage
  • Add Breakage
  • Filter Breakage
  • Export Breakage
    14. Barcode
  • Define Barcode Templates
  • Print Barcode
    15. Job Card
  • Raised by me - Add/ Modify Job Card
  • Raised by me - Export Job Card
  • Assigned to me -Accept/ Transfer Request
  • Assigned to me - Export
    16. Settings - Grantaccess
  • Grant New Access - View ,Add ,Edit/ Modify, Delete 1

    17. Reports

  • Asset List Report
  • Sub-assetList Report
  • Low StockAsset List Report
  • Inward Stock Report
  • Asset Maintenance Report
  • Purchase Request Report
  • General Purchase Report
  • Asset Category Report
  • Location List Report
  • Department List Report
  • Asset Daily Consumption Report
  • Manage Breakage Report
  • Asset Opening Closing Balance Report
  • Category wise Asset Report
  • Department wise Asset Report
  • Location wise Asset Report
  • Department wiseAsset Issue/ Return Report

Fees | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

    2. Quick Collect

  • Searchstudent
  • Academic Year Wise Fee History
  • Assign Fee Structure
  • Modify Department/Semester
  • Modify Assigned Fee Structure
  • Add Concession
  • Collect Payment
  • Generate Challan, Update Challan Status
  • Collect
  • Yearwise Student Fee Data
  • Student Payment History
  • Receipt Series
Fees | Submodule And Its Features
    3. Challan
  • Generate Challan
  • Challan Series
  • Import Challan
  • Update Challan
  • Filter
  • Print Challan
  • Challan Status
    4. Fee Receipt
  • Fee Receipt
  • Print Fee Receipt
  • Filter
    5. Fee Structure
  • Add Fee Structure
  • lmport Fee Structure
  • Configure Fee Structure
  • Assign Fee Structure
  • Action-Assign Fee Structure to Matching
  • Student
  • Filters
    6. General Receipt
  • General Receipt (Student)
  • General Receipt (Faculty)
  • General ReceiptGeneral Receipt (External)
  • Receipt Purpose
  • Filter
  • Print Receipt
  • Delete Receiptand Export

    7. Online Transaction Logs

  • Online Transaction Logs

  • 8. Reports

  • Fees Reports
  • Daily Collection Report
  • Daily Collection via General Receipt
  • Academic Yearwise Fee Analysis
  • Number of Student(S) benefited by Government Scholarship & Freeship
  • Number of Student(S) benefited by Institution Scholarship & Freeship
  • Student(S) benefited by Government Scholarship & Freeship
  • Student(S) benefited by Government Institutional & Freeship
  • Yearwise Student(S) Previous and Current Balance Fee Report
  • Individual Student's Fee Summary Report
  • General Fee Register
  • Headwise Daily Collection
  • Excess / Refund Amount Report
Online Transaction Logs

    9. Settings

  • Feetype/ Fee head
  • Fine type
  • Concessiontype
  • Categories
  • Scholarshiptype
  • Configuration
  • Bank account
  • Paymentgateway
  • Custom fee receipt
  • Challan printformat
  • Custom general receipt (Student)
  • Custom generalreceipt (Faculty)
  • Custom general receipt (External)
  • Fee type/ Fee head
  • Fine Type
  • Concessiontype
  • Scholarship type
  • Configuration Bank Account
  • Payment Gateway
  • Custom Fee Receipt
  • Design challan format
  • Custom general receipt (Student)
  • Custom general receipt (Faculty)
  • Custom general receipt (External)

    10. Fees Installment

    11. Payment Category Change Request


Leave Management | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • My Leaves, Weekly Attendance, Employee On Leave Today
    2. My Leaves
  • Request/Modify Leave
  • My Applied Leaves
  • Filter & Cancel Leave
    3. My Team
  • Subordinates Leave Approval
  • View, Approve or Reject Leaves
  • Provisional Leave Approver
  • Filter the subordinates leave
    4. My Attendance
  • View Month-wise Biometric Punch Logs
    5. Leave Policy
  • View Leave Policy
    6. Attendance Regularization
  • Request/Modify Attendance Regularization
  • View Attendance & Filter Regularization
    7. Team Regularization
  • Subordinates Regularization Approval
  • View & Filter Regularization
  • Provisional Regularization Approver
    8. Admin - Attendance Logs
  • View Attendance Logs
  • Import Attendance Logs

    9. Admin - Employee

  • Add Leave on behalf of Employee
  • View Leave Application and Print
  • Attendance Summary
  • Attendance Summary > Regularisation
  • Attendance Summary > Export
  • Attendance Summary > Import
  • Leave Policy > View Leave Policy
  • Employee Regularisation
  • View Employee's consumed & Balanced leaves
  • View Employee Leaves, Attendance Summary, Leave Policy and Employee Regularization
Admin - Employee
    10. Admin -Holidays
  • Add/ Modify Organization Holidays
    11. Admin - Leave Policy
  • Add/ Modify Leave Policy
  • Teaching , Non -teaching Leave year
  • Assign/ Remove Leave Policy
  • Copy Leave Policy
    12. Admin - Leave And Regularization Type
  • Add/ Modify Leave Type
  • Add/ Modify Regularization Type
    13. Admin - Leave Approver
  • Assign/ Remove Leave Approver
  • Assign/ Remove Regularization Approver

    14. Admin -Reports

  • Reports - Leave Policy Report
  • Reports - Employee Leave Count Report
  • Reports - Daily Attendance Summary Report
  • Reports - Regularization Summary Report
  • Reports -All Employee Monthly Leave Count
  • Reports - Monthly Leave Summary Report
  • Reports - Monthly Attendance Summary Report
  • Reports - Individual Employee Leave Summary Report
  • Reports -All Employee Monthly Attendance Summary Report
  • Reports - Monthly Attendance Report ( List View ) Report

    15. Admin - Biometric Integration

  • Biometric Machine Settings
Admin -Reports

Mentoring | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • My Mentee's List and Guidelines
    2. My Mentees
  • View Assigned Mentees List
  • Filter Mentee's List (View Inactive Mentees)
  • Export & Print Mentees
    3. Meetings
  • Add Meeting
  • Filter Meeting
  • Add Mentees to Meeting
  • Add Questionto Meetings
    4. Questions
  • Add Question Type - Single Correct
  • Add Question Type - Multiple Correct
  • Add Question Type - Descriptive
  • Search Question
    5. Mentors
  • Mentors - View Employee-wise Active and Inactive Mentee's List
  • Add Mentee
  • Mentee's Request - Approve / Decline Request
    6. Rules
  • Add/ Modify Rule
    7. Guidelines
  • Add/ Modify Guidelines
    8. Reports
  • Mentoring Meetings Report
  • Mentor-Mentee Count Report

Training And Placement | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

  • View Latest- Openings & Drives, Training, Recruiters

  • 2. Batches

  • Filter Students
  • Update Interview Status
  • Configure Groups for Batch
  • Update Entrepreneur/Higher Studies Status
  • ViewBatch-wise Students and its Placement Details
  • View Detailed Student Information Schedule Interview
Training And Placement

    3. Placement Drives

  • Add/Modify Drive

  • 4. Openings

  • Add/ Modify Opening Share Public Link
  • Filter Opening
  • Update Opening Round Details
  • UpdateAttachment Details
  • ViewApplicants
  • Customization Application Form
  • Share all opening link
  • Add OpeningAttachment
  • Delete Opening
  • Applicants - Interview Round-wise Status
Placement Drives
    5. Trainings
  • Add Training
  • Add Training Category
  • Add and View Training Attachments
  • Filter Training
  • Add Training Slots
  • Add Training Participants
  • Approve / Decline Bulk Training Request
  • Assign Training
  • UpdateApplicants Attendance
    6. Recruiters
  • Add Organization
  • Import Organization
  • Add Recruiter
  • Send Mail to Recruiters
  • View Email History of Recruiter
    7. Placement Profile
  • Add Placement Profile
  • Add/Modify Fields for Profile
  • Print Bulk Placement Profile
  • Add Resume Template
  • View Profile Applicants
  • Assign Profile
  • Filter Applicants

    8. Reports

  • Academic Year wise Student Placement List
  • Individual Student Training Report
  • Training Calendar Report
  • Recruiter Details Report
  • Group wise/ Semester wise Training Report
  • Academic Year wise Student Count Report
  • Opening Interview Attended Report
  • Opening Selected Candidates Report
  • Percentage of Students undertaking Project work/ Field work / Internship Report
  • Average Percentage of Placement of Outgoing Students Report
  • Average Percentage of Students Progressing to Higher Education Report1

Faculty Profile | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Profile Dashboard
  • Profiles Section-wise View
    2. My Profile
  • Edit Basic Details
    3. My Team
  • View Team Members Profile
    4. My Profile - Qualifications
  • Add/ Modify Qualification
  • Send for Approval
  • ViewApproval History
    5. My Profile - Certification
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Certification
    6. My Profile - Professional Experience
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Professional Experience
    7. My Profile -Core Competency Areas
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Core Competency Areas
    8. My Profile - Achievements / Awards
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Achievements / Awards
    9. My Profile - Publications
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Publications
    10. My Profile - Seminars/ Workshops
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Seminars
    11. My Profile - Books/ Monographs
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Books
    12. My Profile - Patents Granted / Filed
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Patents Granted / Filed
    13. My Profile - Consultancy Provided
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Consultancy Provided
    14. My Profile - Professional Affiliation
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Professional Affiliation
    15. My Profile - Grants Received
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Grants Received
    16. My Profile - Extension Activities
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Extension Activities
    17. My Profile - Curriculum Development And Assessment Related Activities
  • Add/ Modify and Send for Approval Curriculum Development and Assessment Related Activities
    18. Customize Profile
  • Customize Profile - Add / Modify Fields

    19. Reports

  • Faculty Qualification Report
  • Faculty Professional Experience Report
  • Faculty Certification Count Report
  • Faculty Certification Detail Report
  • Faculty Publication Count Report
  • Faculty Detailed Publication Report
  • Faculty Books/ Monograph published Count Report
  • Faculty Detailed Books Published Report
  • Faculty Seminars / Workshops Count Report
  • Faculty Detailed Seminars / Workshops Report
  • Faculty Patent Detailed Report
  • Faculty Core CompetencyAreas Count Report
  • Faculty Core Competency Detailed Report
  • Faculty Achievement /Awards Count Report
  • Faculty Achievement /Awards Detailed Report
  • Faculty Consultancy Provided Count Report
  • Faculty Consultancy Provided Detailed Report
  • Faculty Professional Affiliation Count Report
  • Faculty Professional Affiliation Detailed Report
  • Faculty Grants Count Report
  • Faculty GrantReceived Detailed Report
  • Faculty Reference Count Report
  • Faculty Reference Details Report
  • Student- Full-Time Teacher Ratio Report
  • Faculty Extension Activities Count Report
  • Faculty Detailed Extension Activities Report
  • Curriculum Developmentand Assessment related Activities Report
Faculty Achievement and Awards Detailed Report
  • Number of Papers Published per Teacher in the Journals notified on UGC Website Report
  • Papers Published in National / International Conference Proceedings Report
  • Average Percentage of Full-time Teachers against Sanctioned Posts Report
  • Average Percentage of Full-Time Teachers with Ph.D./D.M. /M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality /D.Sc./ D.Litt. Report
  • Average Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers inthe Same Institution Report
  • Grants Received from Governmentand Non-governmental Agencies for Research Projects, Endowments in the Institution Report
  • Percentage of Departments having Research Projects Funded by Governmentand on-governmentAgencies Report
  • Number of Seminars/ Conferences / Workshops Conducted by the Institution Report
  • Number of Awards and Recognition Received for Extension Activities from Government / Non-government recognized Bodies Report1
Papers Published

Committee And Meetings | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

  • Latest Committee & Up coming Meetings

  • 2. Committees

  • Add / Modify Committee
  • Committee QR Code View & Print Committee Details
  • Add / Modify Committee Members.
  • Committee Members Access
  • Ordering of Committee Members, Remove Members, Filtering Members
  • Membership Validity
Committee And Meetings

    3. Meetings

  • Create Table Conference / Online Conference Meeting
  • Add Recurring Meetings
  • Meeting Confirmation, YES / MAYBE / NO Add / Update
  • Minutes of Meeting (MoM)
  • Reschedule Meeting
  • Send Email toAttendees
  • Email History
  • Meeting Scheduling History
    4. Reports
  • Reports - Meetings List
  • Reports - Committee and Number of Meetings
  • Reports - Number of type of meetings conducted/completed
    5. Certificate & Design (S)
  • Add/Modify Certificate
  • Add Designs
  • Requirements from User
  • Set Certificate Approvers
  • Preview Certificate Design
    6. Reports
  • Reports - Certificate Requests Lists
  • Reports - User - Wise Certificate Requests Count Report1

Inward And Outward |Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • Admin Dashboard Access
  • Individual User Access
    2. Inward Letters
  • Add Inward Export Inward Letters
  • Filter Inward Letters
  • Transfer Inward Letters
  • View & PrintInward Letters
    3. Outward Letters
  • Add Outward Letters
  • Export Outward Letter
  • Filter Outward Letters
  • View & Print Outward Letter
    4. Manage Series
  • Add Inward Series
  • Add Outward Series
    5. Manage Source
  • Add/Modify Source
    6. Manage Department
  • Add/Modify Department
    7. Reports
  • Received Letter Report
  • Transferred Letter Report
  • lndividual Employee Transferred Letter History Report
  • Pending Letters Report
  • Accepted Letters Report
  • Rejected Letters Report

Website Integration | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Integration Links

  • Institute Learning Management System Login
  • Latest News & Events of Institute
  • Teaching Learning Feedback and Analysis
  • Institute Online Courses
  • Latest faculty Profile
  • Alumni Portal Integration with Institute Website
  • Grievance Redressal Portal Integration with Institute Website
  • Commlfies &Meetings Management Integration with Institute Website
  • Caste Based Discrimination Portal Integration with Institute Website
  • Library OPAC (Open Public Access Catalog) Integration with Institute Website 1
Website Integration and Submodule And Its Features

Forms | Submodule And Its Features

1. Public Form

2. Learner Form

3. Category Management 1

Id Card | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Id Card For Employee

  • Filter Employee/Faculty
  • Print ID Card for Faculty /Employee

  • Id Card For Student

  • Search Student / Learner
  • Print ld Card for Student
Id Card and Submodule And Its Features

Help Desk | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Query
  • Add Query
  • Filter Query
  • View Query
    2. Module Training
  • Schedule Training
  • Update Training Details
    3. Co-Ordinators
  • Add / Remove Co-ordinators
    4. Onboarding
  • Subscription Lists
  • View Onboarding Progress
    5. Query Logbook
  • View Employee-wise Queries
    6. Certification

Rubrics | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Rubrics
  • Add/Update Rubrics
  • Add/Update Rubrics
    2. Projects
  • Add/Modify Project
  • Add/Modify Attendees/ Members
  • Assign Rubricto Project
  • Outcome Attainment Calculation

Alumni | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Alumni Portal Public Link

  • Alumni Registration
  • Alumni Account Login
  • View Latest Events
  • View Gallery and Batch Members
  • Update Work Experience
  • Upload Documents like Appointment letters, Experience Certificate, etc
Alumni Portal Public Link

    2. Alumni Details

  • View Batch-wise Alumni
  • Approve/ Decline Alumni Registration Request
  • View Individual Alumni Request
Alumni Details

Event | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Event Dashboard

    2. Post Event

    3. Event List And Reports

    4. Collaborating Agencies And Mou's

    5. Grant Access

Event Dashboard

Online Grievance | Submodule And Its Features

    1. E-Grievance Redressal Portal

  • View Pending Grievance Grievance Committee and Members
  • View Latest Grievances
  • View Latest Grievances -Assign to Committee, Accept, Decline
  • Approved Grievance - Mark asin Progress, Close Grievance
  • Filter Grievance
Online Grievance

    2. Raise & View E-Grievances

  • Add Grievance
  • View Grievances
  • 3. Grievance Public Link

Raise & View E-Grievances

Leaderboard | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard

  • All Credits
  • My Credits
  • Module Wise Credits Ranking
  • National Level Ranking
  • Learn more about Green Credits Distribution
  • Monthly Green Credits (Static + Dynamic)
Leaderboard and Submodule And Its Features

    2. Module-Wise Credits

  • View Module Wise Dynamic Green Credits
  • Reevaluate Credit Score
  • 3. Green Campus Certificate

Module-Wise Credits

Notice Board | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • View All Notices
  • Filter Notice
  • View Query
    2. Post Notice
  • Post Notice
  • Filter Notice
  • View Assignees Add Assignees
  • View Notice Analytics
  • View Assignees Read History
  • Notify Assignees
    3. Grant Access
  • Add Notice Category
  • Assign Department-wise Access to Employee
  • Remove Category Access
  • User Management -View Employee-wise Category Access
    4. Reports
  • Department-Wise Notice Count Report
  • Department-wise Notice List Report
  • Notices List Report
  • Semester wise Notice List Report1

Transport | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Dashboard
  • Transport Dashboard
    2. Trips
  • Cancel Trips
  • Print/Export Trips
    3. My Transport
  • Apply/ View Bus Pass Request
  • Download Bus Pass
    4. Routes
  • Add/Edit Route
  • Delete Route
  • Export/Print Route

    5. Schedule

  • Add/Edit Schedule
  • Print/Export/Filter Schedule
  • View Stops
  • View Total Passengers
  • Add / Update Passengers
  • Delete Status
  • Export/Print Status
  • View Total Trips
  • Total Trips > Cancel Trips.
  • Total Trips > Print/ Export/ Filter

    6. Settings -Vehicles

  • Vehicle > Details > Add / Edit Vehicle
  • Vehicle > Details > Delete Vehicle
  • Vehicle > Details > View Vehicle Details
  • Vehicle > Details > View Attachments
  • Vehicle > Details > Export/ Print Vehicle Details
  • Vehicle > Documents >Add / Update Vehicle Details
  • Vehicle > Documents > Delete Vehicle Details
  • Vehicle > Documents > Export/ Print Vehicle Details
Settings -Vehicles
    7. Reports
  • Passenger Bus Pass History
  • Passenger Tip History
    8. Settings -Drivers
  • Add Driver/Assistant
  • Remove Driver/ Assistant
  • Export/Print Driver/ Assistant
    9. Settings - Custom Bus Pass
  • Custom Bus Pass >Add / Edit Bus Pass
    10. Bus Pass Requests
  • Update Request Status
  • Filter/ Print/ Export Bus Pass Request

    11. Settings - Stops

  • Stops >Add/Edit Stop
  • Stops > Delete Stop
  • Stops > Export /Print Files
Settings - Stops

    12. Settings - Maintenance

  • Type of Maintenance/ Expenses >Add / Edit Type of Maintenance/ Expenses
  • Type of Maintenance/ Expenses > Export / Print Type of Maintenance/ Expenses
  • Vehicle > Details > View Vehicle Details
Settings Maintenance

    13. Maintenance

  • Add/Edit Maintenance/ Expenses
  • Update Status
  • Delete Maintenance/ Expenses
  • Filter/ Print/ Export Maintenance/ Expenses
  • View Attachment

    14. Driver Trips

  • My Trips > Start/ Cancel My Trips
  • My Trips > Export/ Print/ Filter My Trip
  • Vehicle Maintenance >Add/ Edit My Maintenance
  • Vehicle Maintenance > Delete Vehicle Maintenance
  • 15. Settings -Vendor

Driver Trips

Payroll | Submodule And Its Features

    1. My Payroll -Overview
  • View - Basic Information, Personal Information, Payment Information
    2. My Payroll - Salary Details
  • View Salary Details
    3. My Payroll -Payslip & Forms
  • View Payslips & Forms
    4. Employees
  • View Employee Wise Payroll Details
  • Mark Employee as -Active or Inactive

    5. Payrun

  • Run Payroll
  • View Payroll Details
  • View Payroll History
  • View Employee Summary

    6. Settings - Salary Component

  • Earnings - Add Earnings
  • Earnings - Mark as Active / Inactive
  • Earnings - Filter earnings
  • Deductions - Add Deduction
  • Deductions - Mark asActive / Inactive
  • Deductions - Filter Deduction
  • Reimbursement-Add Reimbursement
  • Reimbursement-Mark asActive/ Inactive
  • Reimbursement-Filter Reimbursement
Settings - Salary Component
    7. Approvals
  • Approve/ Reject Employees Revision
    8. Reports
  • Monthly Salary Statement Report
    9. Settings - Organization Profile
  • Add / Modify Organization Profile Details
    10. Settings -Approver
  • Add Pay run Approver
  • Change Pay run Approver Level

    11. Settings -Access

  • Add Access - Employees, Payrun, Approvals, Reports, Settings
  • 12. Settings - Salary Template

  • Add Salary Template
Settings -Access

Sms Panel | Submodule And Its Features

  • 1. Sms Dashboard
  • 2. User Registration
  • 3. Sender Id
  • 4. Sms Template(S)
  • 5. Send Sms
  • 6. Sms Delivery Reports
  • 7. Sms Settings
Sms Panel and Submodule And Its Features

Personalise | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Personalize

  • Add/ Update Profile Picture
  • Add/Update Mobile Number and Email Address
  • Add/Update Date of Birth (D.0.B)
  • Change Password
Personalise and Submodule And Its Features

Assessment | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Assessment

  • Add/EditAssessment
  • View Schedule Assessment
  • Add /Modify Schedule Assessment
  • Delete Schedule
  • Exam Configurartion
  • Register Studentto the Schedule
  • View Exam Details > Assessment Details
  • View Exam Details > Question Set > Add New Question
  • View Exam Details > Question Set > Add Question From Question Bank
  • View Exam Details > Question Set > Add Question From other Question Set
  • View Exam Details > Question List >Add Question
  • View Exam Details > Question List > Filter Question List
  • View Exam Details > Registered Student > Assign Set
  • View Exam Details > Registered Student > Mark Attendance
  • View Exam Details > Registered Student > Reportas Malpractice
  • View Exam Details > Registered Student > Remove Students
Assessment and Submodule And Its Features

    2. Result

  • Add/Edit Result
  • Delete Result
  • Configure Result
  • Configure Result> Configure Performance
  • Configure Result> Configure Grades
  • Configure Result> Calculate Result
  • Configure Result> Publish/ Unpublish

    3. Result-Website Link

  • Result Website link
  • Revaluation
  • Add Revaluation
  • Update Ravaluated Marks
Result-Website Link

    4. Setting - Exam Patterns

  • Exam Patterns >Add/ Edit Exam Pattern
  • Exam Patterns > Configure Exam Pattern
  • Exam Patterns > Delete Exam Pattern
Setting - Exam Patterns

    5. Setting - Seating Location

  • Seating Location >Add / Edit Seating Location
  • Seating Location >Add Sub Location
  • Seating Location > Delete Seating Location
Setting - Seating Location

    6. Setting -Hall Ticket Templates

  • Hall Ticket Templates > Add/ Update Template
  • Hall Ticket Templates > Delete Template
Setting -Hall Ticket Templates

    7. Setting - Assessment Type

  • Assessment Type >Add / Update Assessment Type
  • Assessment Type > Delete Assessment Type
Setting - Assessment Type

    8. Report

  • Assessment Student Report
  • Assessment Exam Student Count Report
  • Attendance Report
  • Malpractice Report
  • Internal / External Mark Report
  • Detantion/ Condonation Report

Peer Learning | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Global Questions
  • View Global Questions
  • Post Answer to Global Questions
    2. Local Questions
  • View Local Questions
  • Post Answer to Local Questions
    3. MY POSTS
  • View My Posts
  • View My Answers
    4. New Posts
  • Post Questions

Login Integration With Website | Submodule And Its Features

  • 1. Institute Login Url
  • 2. Forgot Password
Login Integration With Website and Submodule And Its Features

Course File | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Course File

  • Filter the subject and choose a template to get the course file
  • 2. Template Management

  • Add New Template
  • Add / Modify Reports to Template
Course File and Submodule And Its Features

Student Details | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Group List

    2. Group Management

    3. Student Details

  • Grid View > Communication History
  • Grid View > View Student Details
  • List View > View Student Details
  • List View > Import Student Details
  • List View > Export Student Details
  • List View > Update Student Details
  • List View > Send Student Login Details
  • List View > Send Parent Login Details
  • List View > Send Mail
  • List View > View Subgroup/ Practical Batch
  • List View >Add / Update Sub group
  • List View > Mark as Active/ Inactive
Student Details and Submodule And Its Features

Hostel | Submodule And Its Features

  • 1. My Hostel
  • 2. Dashboard
  • 3. Room Management
  • 4. Team
  • 5. Mess
  • 6. Hostel Fees
  • 7. Visitors
  • 8. Tickets
  • 9. Settings
  • 10. Reports
Hostel and Submodule And Its Features

Management Dashboard | Submodule And Its Features

    1. Access Management

    2. User List & Details

  • Search Employee And Selectacademic Year
  • Print Management Dashboard
  • View Academic Planning
  • View Outcome
  • View Attendance and Leaves
  • View Committee and Meeting
  • View Online Feedback
  • View Faculty Profile and Library
  • View Inward and Outward, LMS
  • View Certificate, Events
Management Dashboard and Submodule And Its Features
    3. Academic Planning Dashboard
    4. Outcome Dashboard
    5. Attendance & Leaves Dashboard
    6. Committee & Meetings Dashboard
    7. Online Feedback Dashboard
Academic Planning Dashboard