Internet Based Test (PAREEKSHANAM)

Internet Based Test (PAREEKSHANAM)

Our Internet Based Examination solution fits in with Customer's requirement where Candidates are equipped with Laptop /Mobile with Good Internet Connectivity . This Solution is very helpful with Coachings, Institutes ,Enterprises and Academic Institutions for their Entrance and Semester Examination.

We Provide end-to-end, AI-powered assessment solutions. Save time screening, assessing the Candidates, reduce costs and provide a fair, equitable, and accessible experience to all talent.

Facial recognition and voice recognition have made online exams more secure. Some facial recognition systems are in fact better at facial identification than humans. AI-powered online examination systems have made the lives of many proctors and students very easier. Proctors have benefitted from the lessened burden of conducting and organizing exams

Internet Based Test


  • Automated ID verification & authentication
  • Application Supports: Objective,Subjective, Descriptive and Uploading of Answer Sheets
  • Ready For Customization
  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Hybrid Mode
  • Facial Recognition and Voice Recognition for Remote Proctoring
  • Content Protection
  • Dashboard for monitoring live analysis of activities
  • Onscreen Marking System
  • Secure Browser
  • Online Evaluation
  • AI can provide Proctors and students with feedback
  • Record & Review
  • Reports